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CLIENT: University District Partnership (UDP)
U-Loo Public Outreach
In collaboration with the U-District Partnership, Broadview Planning led the public engagement process to site a new public restroom in Seattle’s U-District neighborhood. The extensive public outreach targeted populations traditionally left out of planning processes (such as youth and people experiencing homelessness) and covered a comprehensive breadth of engagement techniques. BVP began by writing a public involvement plan that involved stakeholder assessment which led to developing key messaging, conducting one-on-one interviews, facilitating focus groups, on-site tabling events, a successful social media campaign, as well as managing volunteers to help with the public outreach campaign. In addition to the public outreach work, the Broadview Planning team conducted research and wrote a best practices report for designing and siting public restrooms. We were dynamically involved and authentically committed to the community group orchestrating the project, and led to a community activist award recognition for our shared work.
Community Health, Public Utilities, Urban Planning, Parks + Open Spaces
Community Engagement, Planning, Stakeholder Interviews, Facilitation, Volunteer Coordination, Research, Technical Writing + Editing
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